Asisten Ahli/Penata Muda Tk.I/III.b
NIK: 186120102
NIDN: 0526118901
Tempat dan tanggal lahir:
Bantul, 26 November 1989
Alamat rumah:
Krapyak Wetan RT 07,
Panggungharjo, Sewon,
Bantul 55188
[email protected]
Riwayat Pendidikan:
S1 2009-2013 Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta
S2 2014-2016 Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
Mata Kuliah:
– Praktikum Kimia Dasar (S1);
– Kimia Anorganik (S1);
– Praktikum Fisika Dasar (S1);
– Praktikum Kimia Anorganik (S1);
– Kimia Minyak Atsiri (S1);
Bidang Keahlian:
Synthesis, modification and characterization of photocatalyst as a medium for harnessing solar energy for future energy needs and for addressing environmental problems
Desain, pembuatan dan modifikasi material (Adsorben dan Fotokatalis) untuk Energi dan Lingkungan
The current and important issues that are developing todays are the energy and environmental issues (Kudo et al., 2008). The depletion of fossil fuel sources requires us to look for other energy alternatives for the long term. One of the promising energy sources is solar energy. But it is not possible to utilize solar energy without a medium. One of the media that can be a bridge to connect solar energy with daily needs is photocatalyst.
Photocatalyst applications currently cover several areas, including as the hydrogen gas production (Chen et al, 2011), industrial and agricultural waste processing (Gupta et al, 2011), disinfection processes in drinking water (Gamage et al, 2014), chemical synthesis, gas sensors (Suman et al, 2015), and self cleaning agents.
Pengalaman Riset:
1. Pemanfaatan Jarak Pagar Sebagai Sumber Biodiesel (Anggota) 2009 DIKTI
2. Konversi Minyak Jelantah menggunakan Metode Elektrolisis dengan elektroda karbon 2012 PERTAMINA
3. Distribusi Logam Fe, Ca, K, Ba, Sr, dan Zr dalam bottom ash dan fly ash limbah pembakaran batubata PLTU Cilacap 2013 Tugas Akhir S1(UII) bekerjasama dengan Batan Babarsari Yogyakarta
4. Preparasi fotokatalis Fe3O4/SiO2/TiO2-Cu untuk degradasi zat warna metilen biru di bawah radiasi sinar tampak 2016 Tugas Akhir S2 (UGM)